How To Make Money Playing Video Games

Video games have been one of the most loved pastimes of the new generation. People of all ages have been addicted to playing video games. We now witness a gaming revolution for big name companies compete to bring out better games consoles and games to satisfy the hunger for more entertainment.

But not all people know that there is actually money to be earned in this so called addiction, many people are now earning money to play video games. There are many ways to earn and at the same time enjoy playing video games. First is becoming a seller which is more popular on MMOGs (massively multi player online games) playing to acquire in game items, weapons, armor spells etc. and then selling them to players for real money.

The second method of making money by playing games is through game testing. Game developers and companies hire gamers to play test their games before releasing them to production. This gives them the chances to get some criticism and improvements that the game needs. This method is a also used to discover glitches and cheats around the game that the game programmer may never encounter while making the game.

Most of the games you will end up receiving are upcoming games that have not been released yet. It is a great way to beta test various different games and not to mention that most of the time you will get to keep the games. This is a great way to save money the same time you are making money. It's a win-win situation for you and the gaming companies.

Another way of earning money would be through national and international competitions. Gamers participate in contests and compete with other players to win cash prizes. More gamers are now considering going pro, having managers and playing on a global level. One of the most popular international events for gaming is the World Cyber Games (WCG) which started 02001.

Whatever method you may choose to earn, it is the love for the game that will fuel your passion to earn money while you enjoy and play. Always keep in mind that you play not only for the money but for the fun involved in it. Having this kind of mindset it would be easy to earn while you have fun. Remember one of the best ways to have a successful business is to combine your hobbies with your career.

About the Author:

Hunter Crowell is a researcher, avid money maker, and creator of Make Money Playing Video Games, a web page setup to help gamers earn cash.

Article Source: - How To Make Money Playing Video Games

Playing Video Games For Money, Make Money Testing Video Games